First up we have Andy who wrote: "Here is a pic of the front door of a local church north of Milwaukee, WI."
Next up is a blast from the past, but it fits in with the spirit of the season
Samantha Griff of Kirtland, Ohio told us, "I saw this festive skull on the front doors of a small historic church."

Portal C says:
Thank you both for sharing your simulacra with us. I feel like this is one of those spreads from a fashion magazine where it asks the readers to choose "Who wore it best?". Wait, on second thought if you feel like commenting... I would love to hear some thoughts on the matter.
Happy Skull-i-Days everyone.
Keep sending those pictures in, we always love seeing what our skull hunters find. Anyone is welcomed to participate, it's fun and it's easy- if you see a simulacra skull, photograph it and send those pictures in to our submissions address with a little something about what it is really and maybe a little about you.
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