Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Up in Knots

If your hair is long - or any length that is specifically not short - you'll want to do something with it while you do yoga. Here are a few options that I've done - and what I thought of them. Just my opinion from my personal experience.

Any ponytail, knot, or bun on the back of the head.
This is kinda the standard style people imagine for any fitness pursuit. Let me tell ya, it works in a pinch, but I never actually plan on it. If you're going to lie on your back it'll be in the way - and if you're ever going to reach behind you - you'll end up pulling your hair.  If you must - may I suggest high on the head (which if in the right spot can help with headstand alignment) or off low to the side.

Wild & Free. Really only for soft slow yoga (think Yin or Restorative)... or for artistic pictures.

Split more or less in the middle - knots or buns on the "sides" of the head. This is my go to hairdo for yoga. It's quick, easy (easy to redo in the middle of class if needed) and is almost never in the way.

Recently braids off the side have been pretty popular. I found it was great for yoga too. A single french braid in the center of the head can work too... but if you do anything too crazy then it'll fall apart and you'll have to tear it down anyway, so it may not be worth the effort. Those aren't gray hairs. My hair is just super shiny.

Braided Pigtails are fun. I've been into those lately. I seldom do the full french braid... I just braid the bottoms... so this works well. Easy, outta the way, and flat. As long as you can adjust to the braids flopping against your ears or hanging tight against your neck everytime you bend over or turn your head - it's Peachy. Bonus - mermaid waves afterwards.

Did I miss something? Do you completely disagree? Was this entire post a waste of your time?
Let me know in the comments!

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