Friday, January 28, 2011

Just Stretching?!?!

I hear a lot of people try to say that yoga is "just stretching". Those people annoy me and those people have obviously not done much yoga. I am always insulted by this misguided dismissive claim.

When I was young I was always involved in sports (though I was awful). Eventually in high school we got into weight training. I hated weight training because I was terrible at it. I have a natural tendency towards weak little stick bug arms. In school I got made fun of because I couldn't even bench press the empty bar. It was embarrassing and I got no joy out of being unable to do anything. Everyone knew I was small and weak.

Nowadays, I am freakishly strong for such a small girl. Whenever people doubt me, or I start to doubt myself - I just remind myself that I can do arm balances and inversions that many people can't do. Things that take strength, focus, flexibility, dedication, and serious practice. I can do some awesome things with my body that people don't suspect, and it's all because of yoga. (Oh if my former schoolmates saw me now.) Most women come to their early classes unprepared for the upper body work that yoga requires. Initially their shoulders, arms, and chest get tired shaky and sore really fast. I was the same way at first. Downward facing dog was my nemesis pose for years because my upper body was so weak. Now it's pretty much a resting pose.

To make a grand generalization - women usually lack strength and men usually lack flexibility. Yoga will provide balance. Your practice will meet you wherever you are and give you whatever you need. Don't shy away from it. 

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