Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Rocking Bhakti Weekend

This weekend I attended a five piece workshop with Sianna Sherman on her Rock the Bhakti Tour. She is known for being a great storyteller and I have to agree that I'm always kind of blown away by her stories and the skill with which she translates that into a practice. We have friends in Portland, OR (where the workshop was held) so we stayed with them. I did just shy of 6 hours of yoga a day and partied into the wee hours of the night. It was a lot of fun. I'm still recovering from it, hence the late post today.

The overall experience was great - as I generally expect from world-class yoga and friends. I can definitely say, though, that I'm not going to be moving to Portland if I can help it. The yogis there were not as nice or welcoming as the people I've met anywhere else. The whole atmosphere was snippy and disrespectful to say the least. They didn't seem to value Sianna's presence or authority very much. People were rude towards me, towards my husband... eventually I was trying to spend as little time around them as possible. Not the yoga community feel I'm used to.

The classes were definitely sweat-inducing and challenging. With all the sweating - the practice room was like a sauna. The air was humid and filled with sweat. The floors and walls were wet - people were leaking transformation everywhere. On my final day I got a photo with Sianna after class. Between the windows above and the moisture hanging thick in the air - none of them came out very well. After a few tries we decided it was just meant to have an aura to it. We hugged and she thanked me for coming... and I got the hell outta there before someone else could ruin my good day.

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