Thursday, January 27, 2011

Puppies, Eye Drops & Workshops, Oh My!

It's been an odd kind of week. Came home from Portland to have a tough time getting everything back to normal (haven't done a bit of yoga yet) - not to mention the giant pile of laundry that comes from workshopping for 3 days and partying for 3 nights. Over the weekend the dog got some clouding in his left eye. He's almost 9 years old, so we worried it might be cataracts. The only treatment for that is surgery, so that would be bad bad news. Today we finally got him in to see the vet (where they took notice that he'd lost 2 lbs - YAY!!). The vet says it looks like he may have a scratch on his cornea so we're giving him medicinal eye drops every 6 hours around the clock for the next week. Hopefully it'll heal up... if it doesn't we'll be doing some traveling to see a doggy opthalmologist. Sounds expensive. Right now I'm just lucky he allows me to give him eye drops.

I have been planning a trip to Boise, ID for a Noah Maze Anusara Workshop in March, but if Devereux requires a trip to the specialist I'm pretty sure that'll be cancelled. We'll see how it all goes. As long as my dog can see I'll be happy. In the meantime, the husband came down with something too - so I'm in full time doctor mode here at home. Hope everyone else's week is going fabulously and you're all super duper healthy.

Photos: (Top) Devvy at about 2 months old.
(Right) Devvy at about 6 years old.

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