Learn to draw mouths by following the steps in this article

Method 1
- 1Draw a slanted oval for the upper lip of the mouth.
- 2Draw a “U” touching the extreme edge of the oval making a bowl.
- 3Draw a “Y” in the middle of the oval touching the top and bottom edge.
- 4Draw an inner “U” to the previously drawn U to make the lower lips .
- 5Draw another curve line to the inner “U”.
- 6Make vertical lines for the teeth.
- 7Draw curves to make out the teeth from the gums.
- 8Make bold lines to bring out both the upper and lower lips.
- 9Similarly do the same treatment for the teeth.
- 10Erase all unnecessary lines and draw every possible detail.
- 11Color and shade the mouth.
Method 2
- 1Draw a tapered hexagon.
- 2Draw two circles making each center on the top angles of the hexagon.
- 3Draw another circle just below on the middle of the two circles
- 4Draw 3 more circles making its center on the angles of the hexagon.
- 5Draw an oval on the left bottom angle, 3/4 off from the center.
- 6Draw some boxes to create the teeth.
- 7Erase the hexagon.
- 8Join lines in the circle to form the mouth.
- 9Erase some more lines to make out the tongue.
- 10Create dark lines to make out a mouth with a sticking tongue.
- 11Erase the guide lines.
- 12Color the mouth.
Things You'll Need
- Paper
- Pencil
- Pencil sharpener
- Eraser gum
- Colored pencils, crayons, markers or watercolors
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