Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Unboxing #NDL05 from Quarterly Co.

The latest delivery from No More Dirty Looks via Quarterly Co. arrived late last week. Luckily I was recovered enough from my wisdom teeth extraction (all 4) to be excited about it and brave the 4 degrees Fahrenheit outdoors long enough to hike it in from the mailbox at the end of the driveway. 

The theme of #NDL05 is "Wake Up Glowing". 

The products and tips in this bundle all help you achieve the healthy beautiful glowing skin everyone aspires to without slathering yourself in creepy carcinogens.

They start in this quarter's letter by reminding you that beauty comes from the inside - so get plenty of sleep, healthy fats, omega-3s, exercise, and do things that make you feel good like making out with someone you love, meditating, or getting a massage. The only thing they somehow left out is to drink tons of water. Staying hydrated is one of the easiest/best things you can do for bright lovely skin.

Vivare Exfoliating Skin Cloth:
When I opened my package I immediately recoiled at this cloth looking ugly and cheap, but I really don't like blue. Other lucky people got pinks, purples, and greens which are cheerful and cute.

What does it do and what do I think?
It's a big scrubby cloth, so it exfoliates dead skin cells off and increases circulation. It also lathers really well so you can use less soap and rinses/dries really easily. It came with a warning to use a light hand, but I scrubbed the crap outta myself and couldn't seem to make it unpleasant. Turns out I really like it. 

To quote the site: "Soothing organic sweet pea flour and fresh pineapple enzymes polish off dead skin cells while helping to protect the new ones." Gentle enough to use every day. Arrives dry, you mix it into a paste and scrub or use it as a mask. The only thing in the box I haven't tried yet.

This brightening complexion booster smells awesome and comes in one of those great little brown bottles I'm infatuated with. I enjoy using this, but have only put it on twice. So I don't know yet if it's working it's magic or not. Lots of great reviews... and it's worth it just for the scent.

Their site also has product tutorials for the curious or confused.

This multi-use luminizer brightens your face without sparkles and glitters. Which have their place, but it's not in most people's everyday. This stuff is easy to apply and if you buy the full sized stick it will last a long time.

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