Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A Single Step Today is One Less Step Tomorrow

Sometimes we have pain. Maybe it comes and goes... maybe it's constant. Perhaps it becomes chronic. Maybe it's only been there for 1 day, but it's pretty serious. You start to imagine the pain will NEVER relent. Maybe you feel like it's been this way forever. It's so bad you can't remember what it was like not to be in pain. This makes it difficult to let go of the notion of being in pain.

This has some serious effects, long and short term on your health & well being. You start to hold your breath, tense up, and hold fear tightly in your chest... and in your muscles. Fight or flight takes over and your hips and psoas become hard. You fear moving, relaxing, being touched. This interferes with your daily functioning.

Sometimes simply relaxing will actually make it a bit better... but when you're in so much pain - How can you relax? Sometimes you may fear being present in your own body. It becomes as if you're being held hostage by your own body - or by your fear of the pain.  This builds further muscle damage, emotional pain and anxiety. For many it goes so far as narcotic pain killer abuse which can be fatal.

If any of this describes you - or has before - you probably recognize it. Studies are finding that meditation is a natural pain killer. A physical yoga practice can provide relief from fibromyalgia, arthritis, anxiety, etc. You have to push through some degree of discomfort for therapeutic yoga to work... physical and mental. But what's waiting on the other side - Freedom from fear of pain - is bliss.

If you give yoga a try - you can start to replace that fear with love. It may start with a single glimpse of peace while sitting. You can replace that tightness with a free open space. At first it may be very small... at first it may be measured in moments. You can stop holding your breath - and start to feel your lungs expand freely with life. It may start with a tiny spark in your ribs. It may start small, but you have to start somewhere to make a journey of a thousand miles.

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